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Visar inlägg med etikett white lilies. Visa alla inlägg

lördag 2 juni 2012

My little bit of Sweden

My Country road its a forgotten path into the past

Behind the community away from the old motorway ,it has always been there
The most beautiful road I know of, there is a little bit of old Sweden, out there in the fields , and in the dark forest. on this early summer day.
The cool rain has fallen during the night so it smells of summer wet soil , grass and wild flowers;

Spruce and pine forest from Uppland ridge extending unto my old road, and on the other side you can see vast fields and meadows.


It is May and the apple trees bloom by the red cottage, and
small fluffy bumblebees hunts for nectar. The fragrant of apple flowers from the old tree is strong.

It still can be cold at night but midsummer is longing for my white lilies of the valley to bloom,

A gentle breeze comes up from the dandelion meadow and it feels like time is standing still , untouched by the new tide

In the yellow dandelion sea i rest my feet.
Maybe this road was the only way to Uppsala and Gävle in the old days.

A small hill, on the other side of the roadside, are the proof that there once was a house standing by the road, but it is long since gone

Leaving only a root cellar, I do not dare to get inside and watch, who knows what is hiding there


The early summer is hot, on the midday the forest tree leaves a cool shadow on my path.
As if it knew I was walking here

Suddenly the road divides. It needs to show me a path into the woods, but I choose to continue forward.

Show me a more beautiful country road than my road, behind Månkarbo
And the summer is on its way
